Lime Thavil

Lime Thavil

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 10 Jumping Jacks, 20 Mountain Climbers and 30 Seconds High Knees.

Workout: 1) 4 Sets of 12 Box Step-Ups (6 per leg) with moderate weight in each hand 2) 3 Rounds for time - 15 Push Presses, 25 Situps and 35 Air Squats
3) 2 …

Rob Otte Sat 15 April 2023

Lime Thavil

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of 10 Jumping Jacks, 20 Mountain Climbers and 30 Seconds High Knees.

Workout: 1) 4 Sets of 12 Box Step-Ups (6 per leg) with moderate weight in each hand 2) 3 Rounds for time - 15 Push Presses, 25 Situps and 35 Air Squats
3) 2 sets of 8 Alternating Reverse Lunges on the box with a heavy kettlebell or dumbbell held overhead
4) 5 Minutes AMRAP - 10 Burpees onto the box + 20 Russian Twists

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